Sunday, October 2, 2011

My weekend in pictures 9/30/2011-10/2/2011

Here's my weekend in pictures!

 This picture was technically taken on Thursday, but it's here because it seems like this weekend got start on Thursday for me, and not Friday.  My Mom had her 34th (ha!) Birthday on 9.29 and the above picture shows my sister and I with the birthday gift we gave Mom.  If I do say so myself, she made out like a bandit.  I think she had a really great birthday, even though she hates birthdays.  (:

 This was really beautiful and I wanted to document it.  It's supposed to be Wild Berry Lemonade but our waiter kept spilling it so it was pretty much sugar water.  It was still good though! 

 On Friday afternoon after work I helped my Grandpa paint this rusted out old trailer.  This is LD's first appearence in the blog world, although he is all over Facebook.  The trailor turned out nice... it's shiny and looks brand new. 
 Friday evening was my HS's Homecoming Football game and I went back to my old glory and worked the concession stand.  I used to work there ALL the time in my HS glory days, and it was fun to do it again.  This is a picture Lindsey took of our shopping cart when she was searching for the calculator button on my phone.  The story is that we had to leave the game before it even started to go buy hot chocolate, coffee and hot dog buns at WalMart.  It was an epic adventure.
 We formulated plans on the drive to WalMart and were ready to attack once inside the store.  We literally took every container of hot chocolate, every container of coffee and every bag of hot dog buns off of the shelf.  It was intense.
 Look at how long that receipt is! 
After the game with my Mom.  We survived it.  Barely.
I bought these mums at some point this weekend.  Aren't they beautiful?  I love mums. 

 On Sunday afternoon I went with my Aunt Robin and her friend to search for a man who has been missing for several days from our community.  It was my first jaunt as a member of a search party.  Don't I look the part?  I was ready for just about anything.  We're still hoping that the man is found soon and he comes back to his family who miss him so much.
 Between the searching and insane amount of homework I did this weekend I needed to relieve some stress.  Baking seemed like a perfect option!  Now you see the coffee cake muffins right out of the oven.  But wait... scroll down...
 They got a lot more sassy with the glaze on top, don't you think?
 Bugsy.  Isn't she adorable?
Mom and I had dinner at a Mexican restaurant on Sunday evening and they had these large elaborate booths that were painted with different scenes.  Ours had an elephant!  So great.
Finally, to wrap up this wonderful weekend, I was able to color code my closet.  (:

I hope you had a great weekend as well.  Thanks for reading!

PS- I didn't mention the care package I got from the Antonacci family in this post.  You can watch the video I made of the opening here.   (Thanks again!)