I am kind of light on the amount of pictures I took this weekend, but the few that I do have are amazing. I am starting to think of more and more things that I can blog about (I'd love to hear your ideas!) and I am really excited to have 7 followers. I'm not sure who 2 of you are, but I am so glad you're living this amazing life right along with me. (:
Here's my weekend in pictures!
I went to watch a play on Saturday night with my family (Mom, Sister, Aunt) and during intermission we found this amazing backdrop and had a little photoshoot! I am going to start pricing new cameras, though. The camera I found randomly on the sidewalk one day isn't cutting it anymore. Above is Lindsey and myself. Her blog is here.
Lindsey taught Robin how to pose with her arm at an angle so that way her arm looks thin. It actually works. I am pretty sure Bop picked this up from Hannah Antonacci. (Who's blog is here.)
The most adorable little ginger boy took this picture of all 4 of us. Can I just say that I truly was with 3 of the most beautiful women in the room! Look at them all doing the arm pose and me sucking my gut in! (:
Lindsey, myself, Mom. (Who may be doing a guest post soon!)
We were hiding in the jungle. Haha. Lindsey his too well because Mom had to take this picture several times. "Lindsey I can't see you!"
I made some butterscotch walnut cookies, but during the mixing I broke my favorite red heat proof rubber scraper. Sad day. I am on the market for a new one! (The handle is clear so it's hard to see.)
I packaged most of the cookies up and passed them out. These are for my friends Josh and Taylor who I saw on Sunday evening. I had a blast with them and some other people swinging in the park. I hope to see them again very soon!
That's all for this week. I promise to take more pictures next week!
Blog love to you and yours,